Claymore dual miner konfigurácia
The remote management interface on the Claymore Dual GPU miner 10.1 is vulnerable to an authenticated relative directory traversal vulnerability exploited by issuing a specially crafted remote management request, allowing a remote attacker to read/write arbitrary files due to missing path validation/sanitation.
In this mode some tuning is required even in ETH-only mode, use “-dcri” option or or “+/-” keys in runtime to set best 7/22/2018 Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN Step 2: Review a batch file for starting Claymore Dual Miner setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -eworker YOUR_RIG_NAME -ewal YOUR_WALLET ADDRESS -epsw x Apr 14, 2019 · For at least, that’s all you have to do to start mining Ethereum. If you want to dual-mine a different coin, there’s a bit more work to that, but this is just a basic Ethereum pool mining set up. Example 2: Nanopool. For another example (and perhaps a more noob-friendly example), let’s take a look at Nanopool. For other Ethash coins Claymore can be used for mining with AMD and Nvidia rigs, Windows and Linux mining systems, and it is easy to set up. The dev fee for mining with client is 1% for single-coin mining and 2% for dual mining.
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Please leave a message on Arch Arch3r's message wall if interested. "Habla español, Bienvenido al español Claymore Wiki" Se parli italiano, visita la Claymore Italia Wiki Parler français, visite locale Claymore français Wiki Nói tiếng Việt, Hãy đến với Việt Nam Claymore Wiki Claymore Dual Miner Project: List of all products, security vulnerabilities of products, cvss score reports, detailed graphical reports, vulnerabilities by years and metasploit modules related to products of this vendor. (e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) Log In Register. Claymore Dual Miner Project Claymore Dual Miner version 10.1: Security vulnerabilities, exploits, vulnerability statistics, CVSS scores and references (e.g.: CVE … Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN 12/20/2016 Claymore has released his new V9.0 for the ETH dual miner. The main improvement is the ASM algorithm used for the second coin, in this case, DCR. We can only assume this optimization is coming for the others as well in future updates. Hi, few days ago I found a apk in google store to monitoring stats of claymore miner, the apk work well but I don't know how it's work. Hi, few days ago I found a apk in google store to monitoring stats of claymore miner, the apk work well but I don't know how it's work.
Step 2: Review a batch file for starting Claymore Dual Miner setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -eworker YOUR_RIG_NAME -ewal YOUR_WALLET ADDRESS -epsw x
The speedup for DCR found in v9.0 has now been implemented for Pascal and SIA. Otherwise there aren’t really any major changes. A lot of people have asked me and reported that their hashrates fluctuate a lot with v9.0.
For other Ethash coins Claymore can be used for mining with AMD and Nvidia rigs, Windows and Linux mining systems, and it is easy to set up. The dev fee for mining with client is 1% for single-coin mining and 2% for dual mining. 2GB and 3GB cards can mine without fee.
You can do this in any text editor (e.g. Notepad). When you save a file, it is important to select “All Files” as the file type, not “txt”. Step 1: Download and install the miner.
Ensure the setting are correct to avoid unnecessary errors.
Replace ethereum_pool:port, maxcoin_pool:port, username.worker and worker_password according to the pools. The Claymore Dual Ethererum Miner is developed to support dual mining, as the name reflects. Here is the best combo of cryptocurrencies you can mine with this miner. You can mine Siacoin and Ethererum together. You can mine Decred and Ethereum. Can also mine other cryptocurrencies with Ethererum Keccak, Blake2s, Pascal, and Lbry. Final Words Claymore’s Dual v14.7 (AMD NVIDIA GPU Miner) is a new update to the popular Ethereum dual miner for AMD and Nvidia GPUs.
Firstly, always keep your mining software up to date with the latest release. We use Claymore for dual mining ETH + DCR/SIA or other supported coins. Claymore does not need installation, rather just download the files in a folder and Mining benchmark & gpu compare for , beamhashII, bitcore, cnr, cuckaroo_swap, cuckatoo31, ethash, kawpow, mtp, x16r, x16rv2, x21s crypto algos | AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 MinerMonitoring complete Windows/Linux mining monitoring and controlling software with iOS/Android applications I am using Claymore's Dual Miner V10.5 to mine Ethereum. I am using the ETH only mining mode. Whenever I run the start.bat error, my computer hangs and then crashes after this step: "Create GPU Buffer for GPU2" Here are my specs: 1x Sapphire RX470 4GB Mining Edition 1x Asus Duo RX580 8GB 1x Asus STRIX RX580 8GB Intel Celeron G3930 NoDevFee - for Claymore`s Dual Ethereum and Phoenix miner ===== Latest version is v15.0 - Supercharged Edition: - now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch. - added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).
Claymore requires an appropriate amount of RAM. For this, you need high-end graphics cards with at least 2 GB of RAM. ethminer = free , phoenix miner low fee no dual mode a bit faster than claymore, claymore high dev fee, dual mining modes. 0 · Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Metz Member Posts: 126 Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner - nanopool/Claymore-Dual-Miner. Jan 27, 2018 In this video I talk about mining pools and the differences between Mining Pools. I also show you how to setup Claymore's Dual Miner on the Aug 15, 2017 The mining software I am explaining is Claymore's Dual Ethereum Miner. This can mine Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Decred coin, SIA coin and Claymore's Ethereum Dual mining software support mining one secondary coin in addition to Ethereum.
Claymore is another widely used mining pool due to its dual mining nature. This software supports both Nvidia and AMD processors. Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v14.7 (Windows/Linux) Started by Kriss1. Replies: 2 Views: 8218 February 28, 2020, 12:00:25 AM by cfdd: Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v12.0 (Windows) Started by Kriss1. Replies: 0 Views: 5536 February 06, 2019, 05:46:26 PM by Kriss1: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 Great: In this utility, Claymore keeps 1-2% of the payment with itself.
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Do you use Claymore's Dual Miner to Mine Ethereum? If so, you may find this Android App helpful in monitoring your mining rig(s). You can see hte current H
Minar ethereum mas decred, usando claymore dual mining.En este vídeo intento explicar como configurar el minador claymore para poder minar dos criptomonedas Apr 30, 2020 · Dual mining was quite popular in 2017 as you could mine Ethereum and coins at a time. The current latest version of the dual miner is Claymore Dual Miner 15.0. Mining fees us 1%, and if you go for dual mining, it will be 2%. Ensure the setting are correct to avoid unnecessary errors. Mining Ethereum With Claymore Recuerden dentro del binario comprimido de Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner, esta un archivo Readme.txt donde están todos los comandos disponibles y mas explicaciones sobre su uso. Nota: NOD32 reconoce el archivo ejecutable de Claymore’s Dual como un virus, por lo tanto deben crear una exclusión.
Dual miner supports mining Ethereum/Ethereum Classic and SiaCoin/PascalCoin at the same time. To control second algorithm intensity use -dcri option. Claymore miner takes additional 1% fee(2% for dual mode). More information about Claymore Dual Miner configuration can be found Since you are dual mining MaxCoin and Ethereum, you need to specifiy one pool for Ethereum and one pool for MaxCoin. For this guide purposes, we are going to set examples with MaxCoin pools, so you can use any Ethereum pool you wish. Replace ethereum_pool:port, maxcoin_pool:port, username.worker and worker_password according to the pools.
I've been mining Ethereum for 2 months now, and check different coins mining profitability daily. Seems like Decred is the coin with the highest profitability for ASICs right now.